Thursday, March 18, 2010

You can't spell 'rest' without...'r...est.' Dammit.

Rest day today, and boy my body is glad for it. Ellie and I went for respective massages last night, so I got the backs of my legs hammered for 20 minutes by some girl in a strange hat. My shins feel much better today, as do my hamstrings, but my calves are still a bit tight. I've still got until tomorrow morning for the calves to calm down a bit, so we'll see how I feel.

I've also been surfing around blogger, trying to find like minded, running individuals - the closest I have come so far is a bunch of blogs about cats. Hmm.
(apparently, to buy a siamese cat is to buy a 'real' cat. I'm sure my family's moggie will appreciate being known as a fake cat.)

And the middle toe on my right foot is still a bit sore, but recovering. It will get better in time.

I bought the April 2010 edition of Runner's World today at the newsagent, which officially means that I am back where I was in 2008 when I was madly hurtling towards the Melbourne Half Marathon. There is some good information in there, mainly about nutrition and injury prevention; two things I am not particularly adept at.

Anyway, 50 minutes to report on tomorrow, at an easy, around 6mins/km rate. Hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. Here's one of my favourite blogs:

    From there you'll get links to other blogs with links to other blogs ... and before you know it you'll be reading far more than you can cope with.
