Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If it's not one thing...

it's another.

So, i've finally managed to overcome the tightness of the hamstrings and calves, yet lo and achilles is quite sore. I rested it for a couple of days, and did a very casual 40 minute run this morning, but I had to ice and raise it once I got to work, so it's not looking particularly exciting at this stage.

On the positive side though, I love that I have again reached the stage whereby a 40 minute, 7km run is 'easy' and a relaxing session. I felt good, a little heavy in the legs, but good nonetheless, and feel like I am progressing quite well. Now that I have a new marathon in my sights, I am just itching to get out and run, and frustrated at this bloody achilles!

I also broke new running ground for myself this morning by trying a protein supplement to help repair muscles and generally up my protein intake. I tried the supplement with water, which unfortunately made the glass I was drinking from look like it was full of shit water. Furthermore, it tasted like shit water (I am aware of the fact that it sounds like I know what shit water tastes like), so I will have to try perhaps a milk based product next time. I rushed to get some cereal afterwards to get the taste out.

                     Above: Said poo water.

Another couple of days off I think, and then short run Friday, followed by 1 hour on Saturday.


  1. All those bl**dy bits of the anatomy are connected and pain can often shift around a bit before it resolves fully. Sounds like yours is on the way, but not quite there.

    More importantly, though, you are getting out and running ok in spite of it. This is great.

    Keep it up! PB :-)

  2. Thanks Paul! It's taken a couple of days, but my achilles is just about right to get back on the long run trail.

    I think I suffered a bit from over-excitement, hearing my GPS tracker tell me that I was running 10 seconds per km faster than marathon pace, so I kept it up. Once I can dull that voice; I'll be fine!
